Our Way Forward

In 2018 we gathered together a panel of Forest Hill members to share stories of faith and human sexuality. This is an ongoing conversation in the United Methodist Church.

Statement of Welcome: 

After our night of stories and small group studies regarding human sexuality and LGBTQIA+ persons in the church, Forest Hill UMC adopted the following statement.
We believe that God’s love and grace extend to all people. Forest Hill United Methodist Church welcomes people of all ages, races, genders, nations of origin, physical or mental abilities, sexual orientations, and socio-economic statuses.

Lighthouse Congregation:

Our Church Council met on February 19th and approved the following: Our congregation, Forest Hill United Methodist Church, has decided to become a Lighthouse Congregation of The Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church in partnership with The United Methodist Collective. In doing so, we not only commit to remaining a part of The United Methodist Church, but also to serving those who have lost their church homes through disaffiliation or closure.

We will partner in this work by providing a welcoming place, offering ministry opportunities, helping organize remnant groups in our community, and assisting individuals and groups in discerning their next steps as they find a new church home. For more information about Lighthouse Congregations in the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, click here.

Reconciling Sunday School Group

In 2021, The Seekers Sunday School class voted to officially affiliate with Reconciling Ministries Network, an organization that advocates for the full inclusion of LGBTQ persons in the UMC. For more information on this Sunday School Group click here.

Cabarrus Reconciling Community

The Cabarrus RMN Community meets at Forest Hill UMC each month. This group is comprised members from various United Methodist churches in Cabarrus county as well as other community members. This group works to resource local churches and individuals with information to discuss inclusion and advocate for a more welcoming churchFacebook Page